Tutto il mondo si vergogna dello strisciante elogio al fascismo in Italia

set 9, 2008 Categorie: Media ,Dai mass media
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Rassegna stampa di alcuni dei principali quotidiani esteri.

 The Telegraph  (United Kingdom)

The Telegraph

Italian politicians ‘praise’ fascist era of Benito MussoliniTwo of Italy‘s most senior politicians have sparked a debate about the country’s dark past and uncertain future after voicing sympathy for the fascist era of Benito Mussolini.


The Guardian  (United Kingdom)

Italian minister pays homage to fascist troops

<!–[if !vml]–>The Guardian<!–[endif]–>

Ignazio La Russa has added to the row stirred up by Rome‘s mayor. Photograph: Pier Paolo Cito/APItaly‘s defence minister yesterday paid tribute to fascist soldiers who fought in Italy alongside German troops during the second world war, inflaming a row prompted on Sunday when Rome‘s mayor refused to condemn fascism as evil.Speaking at an anniversary event marking Rome‘s resistance to Nazi occupation in 1943, the defence minister, Ignazio La Russa, yesterday chose to stress the patriotism of those Italians who fought against the advancing allied forces.A day earlier, the mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno, a former neo-fascist youth leader, told the newspaper Corriere della Sera he “did not and never has” considered fascism to be “absolute evil”. That definition he saved for the racial laws passed by Italy‘s fascist government in 1938, which removed Jewish Italians from state jobs. “Fascism was a more complex phenomenon. Many people signed up in good faith,” he argued.


 ynetnews   (Israel)Rome mayor’s fascist evil comments spark outcryItaly‘s Left accuses right-wing mayor of trying to rewrite history after he declares racist laws enacted during Italy‘s fascist era – rather than fascism itself – were ‘absolute evil’http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3593466,00.html  CNN.COM  (USA)Rome mayor: Fascism not evil but ‘complex’http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/europe/09/08/italy.rome.mayor.fascism.ap/index.html  Cayman Island National Newspaper  (Cayman)Fascism comment stirs stormhttp://www.caycompass.com/cgi-bin/CFPnews.cgi?ID=1033435  San Diego Union-Tribune  (USA)Homage to Mussolini troops fans Italy fascist rowhttp://www.signonsandiego.com/news/world/20080908-0614-italy-fascism-.html  NASDAQ news  (USA)   Rome Mayor’s Fascism Comments Anger Italian Jews.ROME (AFP)–Rome‘s right-wing mayor Gianni Alemanno upset Italy‘s Jewish community after he told an Italian newspaper that he thought fascism “was not an absolute evil.”http://www.nasdaq.com/aspxcontent/NewsStory.aspx?cpath=20080908%5CACQDJON200809080959DOWJONESDJONLINE000323.htm&selected=9999&selecteddisplaysymbol=9999&mypage=newsheadlines&title=Rome%20Mayor’s%20Fascism%20Comments%20Anger%20Italian%20Jews.  ARUTZ SHEVA  (Israel)Jews Protest Mayor’s ‘Fascism Not Evil’ Remarkhttp://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/Flash.aspx/152673  Times of Malta  (Malta)Italian politicians pay homage to fascismhttp://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20080909/world-news/world-briefs/  Le Monde  (France)

Le ministre italien de la défense rend hommage aux soldats mussoliniens

LE MONDE | 09.09.08 | 14h52    Mis à jour le 09.09.08 | 14h52


  Washington Post  (USA)Rome mayor’s fascist evil comments spark outcryhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/NewsSearch?sb=-1&st=alemanno& 

EL PAIS  (Espana)

El alcalde de Roma y un ministro italiano dicen que el fascismo “no fue el mal absoluto”


  La Vanguardia  (Catalunya)

El alcalde de Roma elude condenar el fascismo


  La Nacion  (Argentina)

El gobierno de Berlusconi, en la mira

Estalla en Italia un debate por el fascismo

El ministro de Defensa dio un polémico discurso en un acto en memoria de los caídos de la Resistencia



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abc last set 9, 2008 Categorie: Media ,Dai mass media
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